Give your program strategy foresight. Instead of relying on hindsight.
Effectively mapping patient access needs with accurate financial planning starts by thinking ahead. Xcenda’s Interactive Exposure Model offers greater control and precision for patient access support and hub activities through an easy-to-use, graphically-enhanced system designed to provide a vision of needs for the year—or years—ahead.
The tool is accessible at your fingertips to your patient/market access, support, and brand planning teams who can easily enter a variety of criteria into the model to see real-time projections to better pinpoint needs for:
- Commercial copay assistance
- Patient assistance programs
- Independent charitable copay foundations
With the ability to enter in product information (e.g., price, length of therapy), the size of expected patient populations, and program eligibility criteria, users can interact with data that greatly accelerates and informs your financial decision planning. And with constant access to the model, your planning can flex and evolve in lock-step with internal decisions and external market dynamics. While we’ve designed the tool for immediate analysis, your Xcenda team always stands ready to help discuss any findings and provide strategic insights for planning.
Intuitive. Ingenious. And instrumental for more effective financial projections.