Accurately and clearly communicating complex data
Written by experts. Valued by decision-makers.
Formulary Dossiers
Global Value Dossiers
Enhance the way you visualize data. Optimize your SLR ROI. Create a usable and actionable resource.

Tame the “paper monster” of systematic literature reviews
MetaMap Pro
Communicate your value through credible publications

Oncology expertise to support market access for life-saving therapies
Conquering the oncology marketspace

Since 2006, our experience speaks volumes:

Payer market insights
Managed Care Network (MCN) Forum

Our exclusive, bi-annual event is for pharmaceutical manufacturers focused on market access, commercial development, HEOR, and clinical/medical affairs and brings together a broad mix of national and regional payers/formulary decision-makers from our proprietary Managed Care Network. When you have strategic questions, feedback from payers can be key to inform your market access, clinical, and HEOR plans.
To learn more on how to schedule your time with this insightful group, download our brochure or contact an expert below. Also ask about our additional payer research methodologies.